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Why Aerial

Aerial application has grown into a pinnacle delivery method for current production agriculture scenarios. Today, agriculture is very fast paced. Farmers plant faster and farms are planted in a much smaller timeline.  Weather, labor, and many other details have increased the intensity of which inputs, and responses must be made today in production agriculture. 

Aerial also allows a cleaner, much faster method of getting over the crop. Aerial mitigates the time ground workers are exposed to agricultural products in the field. Furthermore, it allows the crop to not be driven on, maximizing yield and minimizing soil disturbance. 

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it allows the grower to respond to growing challenges quickly and most cost effectively without a ton of overhead. Like we always say, “We are just a really good hired man, but only when you need us.”

Our 2 Gallon Fungicide Application is our most common and cost effective aerial service. It  ensures precise and effective coverage for crops needing fungicide treatment. Ideal for improving overall plant health, early-to-late stage disease prevention and maintenance, and to protect your crops from harmful pathogens, promoting healthy growth and yield.

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Farms are becoming larger and more demanding - bottom line. You need someone who, when you call, can get the job done! 

We currently operate ten to twelve different types of agriculture aircraft at any one time, all suited for many different scenarios in production agriculture. It has always been our goal to service a diverse group of growers needing many different types of services. Our priority has always been to serve our growers. Whether we invest in large aircraft like the AT-802 or our smaller aircraft, Piper Brave, we guarantee an aerial aircraft that will fit any growers needs.

When you book an acre with us, it gets done, and the pilot that flew over your acre is available for a handshake. We are locals serving locals.


Currently, we use Satloc GPS systems in all of our aircraft along with state of the art flow control systems. All mapping is done professionally through our office or provided through one of our retail partners and organized by the Flight Plan platform.

We believe in spending a little extra time to make sure applications are checked and then done right. When finished, customers are provided with maps, and application data is stored to make future spraying logistics simple.

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How many times have you said, “How are we going to get this done?” It’s one of the biggest issues facing agriculture today - people and time. Well, we can help!

We have the ability to get large amounts of aerial work done in a short amount of time. We have grown our business in order to service timeliness problems. You call, we will make it happen! Plus, we don’t leave tracks.